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Hi everyone thanks for the support and today I am going to give you links to the various giveaways available. Enter the giveaway, share and best of luck.

The Lenovo & Turtle Beach Headset Gamer Giveaway

The DJI Phantom 4 Giveaway

The Ultimate Photography Giveaway

The Makerbot 3D Printer Giveaway

The $1000 Apple Store Giveaway

The Samsung Galaxy Tab S2 9.7" Giveaway


Have you ever wondered where does Google store all the user. User data includes all the apps used by us and all the synced data used by this apps, search histories, etc. These huge amounts of  data are stored in Google's Cloud Platform which are spread across multiple parts of the world. Google Cloud Platform's Youtube channel released this marvelous 4K video of the tour of one of Google's Data Center.

So put on your VR headset, grab a cup of coffee , sit back and enjoy the tour.

If you don't own a VR Headset you can buy one by clicking on the below affiliate links and supporting us.(Click on the image to buy the specific product)

Facebook along with Whatsapp is dropping support for the Blackberry OS as it's retiring it's API for Blackberry by the end of 2016. Along with Blackberry, they will also drop support for Android 2.2, Windows 7.1, Nokia's S40 and Symbian 60. Facebook told that the drop in support is because 99.5% of Facebook sales comes from newer versions of Android, iOS and Windows. 

Senior manager of Blackberry App Ecosystem Lou Gazzola said that the Canada-based firm is disappointed as users love these apps. He also told users to show how you feel by using the hashtag #IloveBB10Apps.

Facebook recommended that to use Facebook and Whatsapp (after 2016) users must switch to a compatible newer device. More than a billion users are on Facebook and 42 billion messages are exchanged daily reported the social networking giant. 

Uber has announced on it's official newsroom that it will reward security researchers who are able to find bugs on the Uber website and mobile apps as well those which are connected to Uber like it's developer API.

The program will start on May 1 and will be running for 90 days. The rules are fairly simple. Researchers should find atleast 4 bugs which Uber finds genuine and they will get paid. And if they manage to find a 5th bug in 90 days they will be awarded 10% extra of all the bugs dicovered by them.

Uber promises that it will offer upto $10000 in prizes. Uber has also made a treasure map for researchers so that they can quickly get to work.

So can you "HACK" Uber. Head over to here and get started,

Google yesterday announced that the Nik Collection will be free to download and use. Nik is a suite of plugins for Photoshop, Lightroom and Aperture. Nik Collection was introduced when Google acquired the German photo editing mobile app Snapseed.

Later the collection where priced at $499 and further Google dropped the price to $149 and now it's completely free. Google announced this on Nik Collection's Google+ page. The drop in price means that it will not be updated frequently and Google may even drop the support at sometime soon. 

Nik is a great suite of seven plugins which is used by many fields of people and mainly is popular among photographers. The seven suite of plugins include Analog Efex Pro, Color Efex Pro, Silver Efex Pro, Viveza, HDR Efex Pro, Sharpener Pro and Dfine.

Nik is available for both Windows and Mac.You can grab a copy for free here.